Wow this drawing actually looks really good like omg they look so badass! And cute at the same time, keep on drawing man!
Wow this drawing actually looks really good like omg they look so badass! And cute at the same time, keep on drawing man!
Wait… with knife???? Jokes aside this is actually a funny comic and I actually like it a lot lol! Keep on drawing comics because they are getting funnier and funnier as you make em!
Awwww they look so cute holding a lil flower I just wanna pet the ever loving crap out of them! They look so adorable I just freaking love your art so so so much!
Awwwww this is really cute and I love how the catfish is in a suit and tie!
HA GAY! Jokes aside this is a very cute drawing and omg they make such a cute couple! I just love seeing your art a lot because lemme tell ya it is adorable as heck!
Woah she looks so pretty Rosie’s blue lips look so beautiful and amazing! Man I really love your art so freaking much like a lot!
Thank you!!
OMG she looks so adorable in this drawing like she looks like an absolute cutie! I just really love your art style and your line work is amazing!
Awwwww they look so freaking adorable I just want to cuddle with them like they were plushies!
Awwww they look so freaking adorable I just want to pet them so bad!
I am just a weird person online that posts art lol.
NOTE: My drawings are drawn without color sorry :(
PFP drawn by the most talented person on Newgrounds: @KaTCakE01. 🇲🇽🇮🇹🇺🇸
Jerry Seinfeld’s Apartmen
Joined on 3/28/23