Awww they look so freaking adorable I can’t believe you made such a cute character! Now this character has to be one of the cutest characters you have ever made! I just love how cute they look, hehe! But anyways let’s get to the actual review. The line art in this drawing is just so perfect and smooth like the rest of your drawings. Which I love because smooth line art just makes a drawing so smooth and not messy. I also love their design so much, their design is just so unique and cute as heck! They just look so freaking adorable I just want to make them into a plushie hehe! I also love the colors you gave them, it’s a really nice touch to their design. Overall I have to say that this has to be one of the cutest characters you have ever made. The little painter goat is just so cute as heck and I can’t believe you have made something this cute! Keep on drawing! :D